Education Resource
This section contains useful links and resources related to speech crafting and delivery.
1) Public Speaking Tips:
2) Online Speech Bank by famous people including President Obama speeches:
3) Guide to the use of Rhetorical Devices: For those doing Project 4, do learn how to craft your speeches using various rhetorical devices.
4) Having trouble pronouncing certain words or you are mis-pronouncing the same words like 'policeman, colleague, presentation, ..' here is the site to give you the correct pronunciation of any word.
5) Find rhyming words with this online Rhyming Dictionary to write your speech -
6) You want to hear interesting talks and presentations from people around the world, go to TED:
7) Learn to add humor in your speech, get ideas for making humorous speeches, be inspired here:
8) Learn how to use Powerpoint slides effectively for your presentation, here are 10 tips that will make you a better presenter:
9) Great examples of Great Slides:
I bet you will impress your boss the next time with these slide design ideas!
10) Speech Transcripts of President Obama:
If you want to write better speeches, study the transcripts of great speeches. If you don't study it, you can't learn much from it.